On July 1, Ansley began her first road trip. My extended family live in Indiana and hadn't been able to get down to meet her yet, so I planned to drive up and spend some time with them. Kevin had to stay and take care of his mom who had a biopsy. So Ansley spent her first time on the road with Mommy and Grandma. We make this trip every Christmas, and draw it out for two days to make it a little more enjoyable. But because we only had a few days, our plan was to drive all the way through in one day. Sounds good, but neither of us really believed it would happen.
Ansley did AWESOME! We left at about 7:30, stopped for lunch at Chick-fil-A, and then once more for a stretch break at a rest stop. Other than about an hour and a half period in the car, she slept the ENTIRE TIME. Mom and I couldn't believe our luck! We arrived at my mom's parents at about 4:30 and started our family fun. Here are some pictures from our adventures:

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